The Mishpocha*

*for those who don't speak Hebrew, this means 'family'

brought to you by Neil Richler

now includes over 5200 names

browse the family tree - click here and then search for a name


Lauren and I got married in 2000

We had a really great honeymoon on a Caribbean cruise...

Benjamin Joel Richler
was born in 2002
Emma Yael Richler
was born in 2005

Click here to see the video from Nathan Richler's 90th birthday party, October 1981


The family tree was last updated on October 22, 2013
Please send updates to

Think you're related?  Do you have comments? Please send me an e-mail message.

Although you will only find very brief of information in the web form of the family tree, I keep detailed records in my home computer database (i.e. birth, death, marriage dates).  Please email me if you have updates, or would like to know what I have.

Please have a look at the website of my cousin Stuart Richler

Other family resources

Family Pictures

click below to see pictures from each of these families

RICHLER Moshe Leib and Malke LESSER Zimmering and Mandelcorn




Genealogy software